8 Puisi Hari Ibu Bahasa Inggris yang Penuh Makna dan Mengharukan 

2 months ago 24

JAKARTA, iNews.id - Memberikan puisi Hari Ibu Bahasa Inggris bisa jadi salah satu kado terindah dan tidak akan dilupakan oleh seorang ibu. Hari Ibu diperingati setiap tahunnya pada tanggal 22 Desember. Hari spesial ini jadi momen bagi anak untuk mengapresiasi segala perjuangan yang dilakukan oleh seorang ibu. 

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Sambut Hari Ibu 2024, Pelukis Perempuan Pamerkan Lukisan Menyentuh Hati

Baca Juga

Sambut Hari Ibu 2024, Pelukis Perempuan Pamerkan Lukisan Menyentuh Hati

Melansir berbagai sumber, Selasa (17/12/2024), berikut puisi Hari Ibu Bahasa Inggris yang bisa jadi referensi.

Puisi Hari Ibu Bahasa Inggris

1. Untitled Poem

Mommy, I love you

 Apa Rasanya di Sana Mam?

Baca Juga

4 Hari Ibunda Meninggal Dunia, Sonny Septian Kangen Berat: Apa Rasanya di Sana Mam?

For all that you do.

I’ll kiss you and hug you‘

Cause you love me, too.

You feed me and need me

To teach you to play,

So smile ‘cause I love you

On this Mother’s Day.

– Nicholas Gordon

2. Mother

Your love was like moonlight

turning harsh things to beauty,

so that little wry souls

reflecting each other obliquely

as in cracked mirrors . . .

beheld in your luminous spirit

their own reflection,

transfigured as in a shining stream,

and loved you for what they are not.

You are less an image in my mind

than a luster

I see you in gleams

pale as star-light on a gray wall . . .

evanescent as the reflection of a white swan

shimmering in broken water.

– Lola Ridge

3. Mother o’ Mine

If I were hanged on the highest hill,

Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!

I know whose love would follow me still,

Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!

If I were drowned in the deepest sea,

Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!

I know whose tears would come down to me,

Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!

If I were damned of body and soul,

I know whose prayers would make me whole,

Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!

– Rudyard Kipling

4. Her Wands

Her hands held me gently from the day

I took my first breath.

Her hands helped to guide me as I took my

first step.

Her hands held me close when the tears

would start to fall.

Her hands were quick to show me that she

would take care of it all.

– Maggie Pittman

5.  Wishing

Home comes the rover,

For mother’s kiss- sweeter this

Than any other thing!

– The Fairies William Allingham

6. To My Mother

You too, my mother, read my rhymes

For love of unforgotten times,

And you may chance to hear once more

The little feet along the floor.

– Robert Louis Stevenson

7.  A Thank You Note 

You have told me

all the things

before I knew

I needed to hear them

To be unafraid

Of all the things

I use to fear

Before I knew

I shouldn’t fear them

– Lang Leav

8. Rock Me To Sleep

Mother, dear mother, the years have been long

Since I last listened your lullaby song:

Sing, then, and unto my soul it shall seem

Womanhood’s years have been only a dream.

– Elizabeth Chase Akers Allen

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Editor: Komaruddin Bagja

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