JAKARTA, iNews.id - Makna lagu Stranger menarik untuk dibahas kali ini. Terlebih lagu yang dipopulerkan oleh Olivia Rodrigo ini kerap dijadikan sebagai backsound TikTok oleh banyak pembuat konten.
Stranger merupakan trek ke-13 pada album studio GUTS (Spilled). Adapun album tersebit pertama kali diluncurkan pada Jumat, 22 Maret 2024.

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Makna Lagu Soft Spot - Keshi, Lengkap dengan Liriknya
Makna Lagu Stranger - Olivia Rodrigo
Melansir berbagai sumber, Senin (23/12/2024), lagu Stranger memiliki makna tentang pengalaman dirinya menghadapi seseorang yang tidak konsisten dalam segala hal, seperti tindakan dan ucapannya setelah hubungan tersebut berakhir.
Lirik Lagu Stranger - Olivia Rodrigo

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Lirik dan Makna Lagu Gadis Sampul - HIVI!, Viral di TikTok!
I woke up this morning and I sat up straight in bed
I had the strangest feeling of this weight off of my chest

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Makna Lagu Asa Asmara - Baila: Keberanian Mengungkapkan Perasaan Cinta
I hadn't felt that hopeful since the day that you left
And it felt nice, so nice

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Makna Lagu A Part of Me - Neck Deep, Lengkap dengan Liriknya
And everybody told me it would happen in time

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Makna Lagu Secret Door - Arctic Monkeys, Lengkap dengan Liriknya
The fire would burn out and all the storm clouds would subside
And I always believed that it was some comforting lie
But it feels nice, so nice
'Cause I was half myself without you, now I feel so complete
And I can't even remember what made me lose all that sleep
I cried a million rivers for you, but that's over now
You're just a stranger I know everything about, ooh, ooh
You're just a stranger I know everything about
Made a pot of coffee and I poured myself a cup
I thought of all the things I did to try and win your love
How did that happen?
I can't imagine ever doing all that stuff for just some guy
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Like, you're just some guy
Oh, but I hope that you're happy, babe, you know I really do
And God knows that I am the girl I am because of you
You know I'll always think of you, I'll love you 'til the end of time
You are the best thing that I'll ever keep so far out of my life
Yeah, I was half myself without you, now I feel so complete
I can't even remember what made me lose all that sleep
I cried a million rivers for you, but that's over now
You're just a stranger I know everything about, ooh, ooh
You're just a stranger I know everything about
There's nothing left for me to know
I had to stay, you had to go
And it was mean, but it doesn't matter anymore, though
There's nothing left for me to sing
I screamed, I cried, I did the whole thing
And I loved you mad, but it doesn't matter anymore, no