JAKARTA, iNews.id - Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka berikut ini bisa menjadi referensi siswa sebelum mengikuti ujian.
Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka mencakup beberapa materi. Di antaranya mengekspresikan aktivitas, menyebutkan benda dalam ruangan, hingga mengidentifikasi angka dalam Bahasa Inggris.
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3 Contoh Soal Percepatan Kelas 7, Bisa Jadi Bahan Ajar Siswa
Berikut contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka yang bisa dipelajari siswa, Selasa (26/11/2024).
Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris
1. How old is Dewi? She is ....
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30 Contoh Soal SKB CPNS Perawat Terampil, Bisa Jadi Referensi Belajar
A. Beautiful
B. Ten old
C. A student
D. Kind
Jawaban: B
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30 Contoh Soal SKB Fasilitator Pemerintahan CPNS 2024, Lengkap dengan Jawabannya
2. On - Jakarta street - lives - Jojo. The correct arrangement is ....
A. Jojo on Jakarta street lives
B. Jojo lives on Jakarta street
C. Jakarta street lives on Jojo
D. Jojo Jakarta lives on street
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30 Contoh Soal Matematika Kelas 5 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Beserta Jawabannya
Jawaban: B
3. Sister – in – the office – Indah’s – works
The correct sentence is ....
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A. Sister in the office Indah’s works
B. Sister works in the office Indah’s
C. Indah’s sister works in the office
D. The office works sister in Indah’s
Jawaban: C
4. My mother sister is my ....
A. Brother
B. Aunt
C. Cousin
D. Mother
Jawaban: B
5. Evelyn is ten years old. Putri is older than Evelyn. Yoga is twelve years old. If Yoga is older than Putri, so Putri is .... years old.
A. Eleven
B. Ten
C. Thirteen
D. Nine
Jawaban: A
6. I .... after having breakfast.
A. Get up
B. Cook noodle
C. Have lunch
D. Prepare to school
7. A cow has ... feet.
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Jawaban: D
8. If our body is dirty, we clean ourselves in the ....
A. Bathroom
B. Dining room
C. Bedroom
D. Kitchen
Jawaban: A
9. R E T U C I P
A. Retupic
B. Tucirep
C. Picture
D. Picuter
Jawaban: C
10. C K L O C
A. Colkc
B. Ckloc
C. Clokc
D. Clock
Jawaban: D
11. M L A P
A. Lamp
B. Lapm
C. Lmpa
D. Mlap
Jawaban: A
12. My father has a father. He is my ....
A. Grandfather
B. Son
C. Uncle
D. Niece
Jawaban: A
13. What time is it? It is 04.00.
A. Three o'clock
B. Four o'clock
C. Five o'clock
D. Twelve o'clock
Jawaban: B
14. It was late, so we walked ....
A. Quickly
B. Happily
C. Brightly
D. Easily
Jawaban: A
15. The sun is bright. it is shining ....
A. Lovely
B. Brightly
C. Loudly
D. Safely
Jawaban: B
16. My mother is cooking in the ....
A. Bathroom
B. Dining room
C. Bedroom
D. Kitchen
Jawaban: D
17. The children are happy. They live ....
A. Angrily
B. Loudly
C. Happily
D. Quietly
Jawaban: B
18. They found the address .... with the map.
A. Diligently
B. Easily
C. Angrily
D. Beautifully
Jawaban: B
19. There are .... in my bedroom.
A. A lamp
B. A clock
D. Two pillows
Jawaban: D